Telephones Impact to people's lives during the Industrial Revolution

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in the year 1876. What is the impact of it towards human communication at that time? Before telephone, there were smoke signals, letters and Morse code that were the prior way of long distance communication. However, there are a few weaknesses of these type of communications. Smoke signals can only send a few different messages because there weren't many ways to manipulate the smoke. A letter was too slow and unusable if the message was an emergency. Morse code was better than the two ways above but only transfer 15-20 words per minute compared to the telephone which could transfer 1-100 words per minute. Other than that, a Morse code operator was needed to send a message, and that means a third-party will know the message you wanted to send. By telephone, you have more privacy because a direct conversation can be conducted. 

In a nutshell, the telephone has a great impact on people during the Industrial Revolution because it is very fast, globally available and prevent misunderstandings that might happen when using Morse code as the tone can also affect the meaning of the word used.


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