A Conclusion for the Blog's activity so far.

    Hi. Back in 9th of July, I started writing my very first blog post for my Media Appreciation class and I enjoyed it. It gives me a chance to express my feelings on a new platform. Rather than taking the weekly journal as an assignment, I take it as a challenge to do something I had never done before, such as writing reviews on movies, short films and documentaries. Before writing the reviews, I rewatched the movie, short films or documentaries and jot down some part that I would like to include in my reviews. Such thing had not been done by me while watching a movie casually, as I tend to forget the lines and movie scenes quite quickly. Films chosen by lecturers are also very interesting and maybe even bizarre to some, but I find it very interesting and amusing, these include films by Jan Svankmajer.
    Secondly. we are also given a chance to work in groups to create a persona and think of how the social media can affect someone. Throughout the process, I did a self-reflection because I am obviously tied to the social media too. I am also addicted towards online affection such as likes and followers that we have and we judge our worth base on these numbers. All these new findings are found because of the videos that are shared by my lecturers, this one's a TEDx talk by Jake Swayze that I wrote a blog on here.

    Other than that, writing on my opinion about the future of media is also a fresh thing to do. The future is unpredictable, so I can only write down things that maybe will happen in the near future. What can be improvised and changed to create a better and more convenient world? These are the thoughts in my mind while writing the blog "The future of Facebook".

    All in all, the Media Appreciation Journal is something that I enjoyed in the class. Not only the things that I mentioned above but also knowledge such as the history of movable-type printing press and telephones-- there's too many of them to be included in a single blog post. Spending my time on this blog is well worth and I think the knowledge that I gain from the process can help me in my future career. That's it for now, see you next time. Thanks for stopping by all this while too.



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